internet of things technology

Internet of Things Developer Days with Intel

Back in May we ran an Internet of Things Developer Day at the Axeda industry event Connexion with Intel Galileos and Raspberry Pis. A Developer Day is a hands-on workshop where developers get a guided experience with Axeda coaches while connecting microcontrollers to sensors and sending up data. It just so happened an Intel rep was there and had such a great time that we ended up partnering with Intel to organize a road show for the fall. We did one in New Jersey two weeks ago and we have now finished our first one in Silicon Valley.

Our technical team consisted of Kevin Holbrook, Joe Biron, Chris Meringolo, Allen Smith and Haris Iqbal all from Axeda, Howard Alyne from Wind River and Val Laolagi from ThingWorx. Intel supported us on the administrative side so we were able to focus purely on the content.

We had about 70 developers connect Galileos using our Axeda Developer Toolbox, which allows you to pick from any of about 25 Axeda Ready devices and get a self-guided tutorial on how to send data up to our cloud. The Galileos ran a proprietary Wind River version of Yocto Linux, which has cool security features baked in such as application signing and device identity key verification. The baseline for completing the tutorial was a round trip for the data, sending up light, sound, and temperature readings from the board and then triggering an action on the board from the app – in this case a blinking LED and a buzzing buzzer. We sent the developers home with documentation on an advanced path which took them through the ThingWorx dashboard, as well as a sample app that did AJAX calls to the Axeda RESTful web services.

It’s a gratifying experience for me to be able to coach developers past the initial hurdles of connecting a device. One student in particular whom I was helping had a Galileo board that was not able to get a serial connection to his PC over the COM port. I was able to log into the Axeda platform and see the IP address it was sending up as data, which we were then able to use to SSH into the board. A few minutes later he had his first circuit built with an LED, and by entering “blink 5” into the Toolbox app he saw the Axeda agent receive the downstream command and then blink the LED five times. After only a few more minutes he had his buzzer triumphantly buzzing as well, and then high five!

My key takeaway from these events is that developers are hungry to get experience with hardware and learn what the Internet of Things really is beyond the hype. Holding events like this one allows developers to find the meaning behind the buzz words and start laying the foundation for the future of their companies, one LED at a time.

For more information for Axeda Developers, check out .


Hackathon – Sara’s Rules of Thumb

Hackathons are short day or days-long events in which hackers prototype a technical solution to a business problem and then pitch and demo that solution to an audience. I’ve been a coach and organizer for three Hackathons and I’ve learned a few rules of thumb that make Hackathons more fun and valuable for the participants.


1) Make the device + sensors combination awesome

The target audience for the Hackathons we run are hardware hackers as well as IoT hackers, and if you get the right device – say the newest release of Arduino plus an a la carte selection of 50 sensors – their eyes light up and the creative juices start flowing. Pick the wrong device and you get to hang out with them on the couch wondering how to help them figure out what to do.

2) Code shoulder-to-shoulder with the hackers

Don’t show up and put your feet up on the table and say, “well I’m here so I’ve done my job!” No, get down and get dirty in the code, help out with code snippets and make things *work*. They’re here to turn an idea into reality and the best outcome is if the help of the coaches is available to make everyone successful. Let the best idea be implemented the best way it can and whaddya know cool things will happen.

3) Pick the right judges

Judges hold the power of the purse over the heads of the hackers. Prize money goes where the judges deem it worthy to go. For that reason you want judges who represent a few different perspectives – a business guy, a software gal, a hardware person, an investor – so the hackers have the best chance to impress at least one of them with their demo. Judges can give value to hackers simply by offering plenty of feedback, so make sure to select for experience and expertise in their area.

4) Help them with their demo

Putting a solution together is only part of the challenge of participating in a Hackathon, the other part is presenting it in an exciting and professional way. While working with hackers on the technical implementation, don’t forget to ask them if they have a slide or two on their project that explains its business value. Ask if they have a business-oriented team member and if they don’t, find them one.

Hackathons are fun and sometimes extreme events with coding going all through the day into the night and the morning. The experience alone makes it worth participating in one and who knows, you might be surprised at what you can put together!


All about Free Geek Providence

I’m on the Board of Directors for a nonprofit called Free Geek Providence based in RI. Free Geek Providence provides a call to refurbish, reuse and recycle older computers. The organization also promotes the use of Linux, an open source operating system, as well as the open source ecosystem around it. I joined Free Geek Providence when it was starting up in 2008 and found it a perfect fit.

Access into modern society via technology is the new divide between the haves and the have-nots. As a result of this divide, we need to build bridges to bring back those people on the outside and introduce them to the skills needed as part of a computerized workforce.

The work we have done giving out free computers has benefited many nonprofits and individuals. Rhode Island Nurses Institute or RINI became the pilot for our Adopt a Classroom program. We installed 14 computers in a computer lab that students without computers at home could use to do their homework. An added benefit was exposure to the free operating system Linux. At first the students were uncomfortable using Linux because they were used to Microsoft Windows, but they soon made the switch and had no problem. Now those same students know that Linux and open source software is out there and can take advantage of it for the rest of their lives.

Follow freegeekpvd on Twitter and learn more on Facebook!


9 Connected Hacks Covered By O’Reilly

The AT&T Hackathon in January was a blast, and my coverage of it as an M2M coach for the Arduino hardware gained some attention.

Check out the O’Reilly post at and the original at


Two Way Communication Via Post with a RESTful Web Service in Android

In order to create an Android app that could consume data from a web services call, I had to be able to post data to the web service.

I posted data via the DefaultHttpClient class, then parsed out the JSON-serialized response.

The code for the post was the following:

public String callServiceAsString (String webservice, ArrayList params) throws Exception {
String response = null;

HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(webservice); // the webservice is the url of the resource
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, HTTP.UTF_8)); //set parameters to post
ResponseHandler responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
response = httpclient.execute(httppost, responseHandler); // execute the post with the Response Handler to return the response
httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); // tear down the http client
return response;


To parse out the response, I turned the string into a JSON Array:

JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONObject(service.callServiceAsString(webservice)).getJSONArray("result"); // create a JSON Array out of a String
for (int i=0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++){ // iterate through to find the desired values JSONObject childJSONObj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); serial = childJSONObj.getString("patron_serial"); name = childJSONObj.getString("patron_name"); }

There you have it, posting data and reading back in data from a RESTful web resource.


jQuery Deferred is an Ajax Coder’s Dream

As an Innovationeer, I seek out the interesting technological developments that can make my code more elegant. One of those developments has been jQuery’s Deferred object, implemented in jQuery 1.5 and after.

The Problem:
Imagine you’re the referee in a dumptruck race. The first one to reach the finishline and dump the trash is the winner. All the trucks line up at the startline with their payloads and you give the signal. They’re off! There’s no guarantee that Truck #1 will beat Truck #3, in fact the entire point is to see who gets there first. If you bet that you’ll get Truck #3’s trash on top of Truck #1’s at the end, you’ve got an uncertain gamble on your hands.

A series of Ajax calls are like our dumptrucks lining up for a race. There’s no guarantee when any one of them will finish, and you can’t know for certain that the payload of one will arrive before the payload of another. However, in a web application some data is bound to be useless before other data arrives. Until you can get a list of dumptruck drivers, there’s no sense in asking which driver was late to the race.

This is the concept of asynchronous requests (“a” as in “not”, “syn-chron” as in “same time”), and it gains a great boost with the jQuery Deferred object. The Deferred object is a way of telling your code to wait until another set of code has completed, without hanging up the flow of the entire operation (as it would in a synchronous request). In our race analogy, a Deferred object would be the referee making sure the prize doesn’t show up until the race has been won. A Deferred object includes a promise object which is like the race announcer, letting everyone know whether the race has been completed or is still going.

The Code:
Obtaining a promise from an Ajax call is easy, since that’s exactly what a call to $.ajax returns. Since there have been plenty of tutorials on the Deferred object (here’s one ), I’ll share what I’ve been working with specifically.

Here I create an array of two Ajax requests and wait for them to complete by using the $.when .then operator. The functions doSomething and doSomethingDifferent will not execute until both requests have come back with json and json1. Race conditions prevented.

Code on!


Javascript: Finding the First Monday of the Month

Inspired by a PHP version of this found here, here is a Javascript function that takes the number of the month (0-11) and the year and returns the Date object of the first Monday in that month.  I find it useful for determining weeks in the month.

 // get first Monday of the month, useful for determining week durations

 // @param - integer: month - which month

 // @param - integer: year - which year

  function firstMonday (month, year){

 var d = new Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

 var day = 0

// check if first of the month is a Sunday, if so set date to the second

 if (d.getDay() == 0) {

 day = 2

 d = d.setDate(day)

 d = new Date(d)


// check if first of the month is a Monday, if so return the date, otherwise get to the Monday following the first of the month

 else if (d.getDay() != 1) {

 day = 9-(d.getDay())

 d = d.setDate(day)

 d = new Date(d)


 return d  


Please let me know if you find it useful.  Enjoy!

function firstMonday(month, year) { var d = new Date(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) var day = 0 if (d.getDay() == 0) { day = 2 d = d.setDate(day) d = new Date(d) } else if (d.getDay() != 1) { day = 9-(d.getDay()) d = d.setDate(day) d = new Date(d) } return d.toString() } firstMonday(10, 2011)

Two Months in … Working at Axeda

Two months into being an Innovationeer at Axeda, I ace the “waking up to work in the morning” test with flying colors.  Who wouldn’t want to be at the cutting edge of technology, with knowledgeable peers and mentors actively looking out for me, working on projects that are not only competitive, but compete with entire industries?

Let me say that again – each and every application built on the Axeda Platform models an entire industry.

Axeda’s signature product, the Axeda Platform is a secure and scalable foundation to build and deploy enterprise-grade applications for connected products, both wired and wireless.

Got a vending machine?  Connect it and harvest data for marketing.  Own a fleet of trucks?  Find out their location, speed, and maintenance history.  Work in the health industry?  Monitor your patients’ statistics transmitted from their mobile devices, while they check into their appointment on a kiosk that feeds your dashboard.  Providing solutions as diverse as the products they connect, the Platform’s full potential is waiting to be realized. 

With all this excitement, can you believe they’re still hiring?  You too can witness the emergence of a connected planet, or you can be the one who makes it happen.

Contact me today if you’d like to submit a resume or drop me a line on Twitter where you can find me as @saranicole .

web development

Train Your Brain to Code

brainA brain is a lot like a computer. It will only take so many facts, and then it will go on overload and blow up.

– Erma Bombeck




One could argue that writing code can be boiled down to writing a series of AND, OR, and NOT statements.  Anyone who has seen assembly language knows the fundamental commands do not vary a whole lot.  So why is it that tutorials advertise “no coding necessary?”

There is an art to coding that is hard to pick up without doing the work.  I learned this from my own experience of coming from a humanities background and expecting it to be like picking up a language.  Learning the programming language is an important aspect, but the language has far less bearing compared to understanding the underlying technologies.  It’s like needing to know how acids and bases interact before you invent a new recipe.

1.   Play logic and math puzzles

If you’re not a puzzle type (I’m not), seek out opportunities to challenge that part of your brain.   Puzzles will teach you an intuitive grasp of the underlying math and logic so essential to the function of computers.  They will also train you to be thoughtful and persistent, qualities that will make you a successful coder in the long haul.   Check out for a nice selection.

2.  Break the task into higher level chunks

It’s tempting to start off a coding project by drilling down into the nitty gritty of how each and every function will work.  Learn to leave stub functions and classes for later and focus on the overall structure first.  Raise your view from the 1,000 foot level to the 10,000 foot level.  See the whole, then map out finer grained sections.

3.  Limit your use cases

Take on a specific type of coding when you’re beginning, such as website or app development.  You will become familiar with a small spectrum of tools, and that in turn will get you started on the thought process needed to build software.  By all means branch out once you’re bored, but when it’s new to you, avoid tackling Arduinos, ActionScript and APIs all at once.

How do you condition yourself to approach the ultimate coding mindset?  Or is there a way to bypass the limitations of the coder?


The Art of Breaking Your Design

ro·bust·ness: the degree to which a system operates correctly in the presence of  exceptional inputs or  stressful environmental conditions.




I had the bittersweet experience of watching my app break in a demo, bitter because everyone was watching and sweet because it was a demo.  The failure resulted from my assumption that the wireless network would be dependable, which sounds silly now in retrospect.  Proper error handling would have allowed the app to fail silently instead of exiting with an exception which is what it did.  Not only that but it would have been great for me to have the app pick up where it left off when the network was restored; instead I was obliged to perform manually the task left unfinished by the premature exit.

What I should have done is break my design pre-emptively.  Tests for robustness are a priority, not a nice-to-have.  I offer a few tips based on my experience …

1. The Test Environment != Reality

This one is a doozy – don’t assume that since the app works in the test environment that it will work under the stress of real circumstances.  Try to test in the field if at all possible.

2.  Write tests with assertions you don’t expect

Testing for expected inputs isn’t what will tell you whether the app will fail.  Test for the unexpected inputs which could actually break the app.  The weirder the better.

3.  Document Everything

The more you write about your code, the more chance you will see the failed logic you missed the twenty previous times you looked at it.  Teach the technique in a blog post or a tutorial, and make sure to write readable code with comments.

How do you test for the “real world”?  Or should we let the users drive the fixes?