
Is there a Newbie vs Geek Distinction?

     So, I was a newbie, but now I’m not that new, I know stuff about web development, I follow blogs and podcasts and Twitter, and I don’t run screaming from code.   So how do I measure up to the larger community of geeks?  The thing is, computer science is such a broad field that it’s improbable that one person could know everything anyways.  How is it then that there even is such a categorization of people as newbies and geeks?
     Much of the distinction has to do with the fact that we are in the midst of a cultural revolution when it comes to web technology.  Not everyone gets the web yet – but they will, it’s only a matter of time.  Development of the web is making it increasingly easier to build communities and communicate.  Newbies are just the next wave of people who are integrating this type of technology into their lives.  
     Besides newbies being a cultural phenomenon, they also represent a phase of learning.  Once a person has understood the significance of technology, he/she has to grasp how to put it into practice.  My own experience learning about technology started with a pen and paper and an opportunity to listen to techie jargon.  I wrote down every proper noun at a PHP Meetup and asked my mentor to explain them to me.  It was important to me to get the concepts down first before starting to write code.  The next thing I did was pick a scripting language – PHP was my choice – and write programs in it.  Of course, not everyone wants to code, this was just for me, but the idea is you have to start somewhere.  A lot of my initial difficulty was simply in figuring out how to install things like a web server, a compiler, libraries, how a browser works, etc.  What was PHP-ini and why did I have to care??  The truth is, this process was made fun by the fact that I had a great mentor – and at this point let me give him credit, he’s the guy in the picture in my geek in the dictionary post, Andrew Shearer (and to be fair, I picked a really geeky picture of him, his glasses aren’t that prominent).  So, geeks can and do give back, and in fact I have found that most of them aren’t scornful of newbies, they are very welcoming and helpful – as long as the newbie doesn’t sit back and say, “I am an empty container – fill me with knowledge.”  Like anything, effort and motivation shine through, and will do a lot more for the successful newbie-to-geek conversion than any number of “Fill-in-the-Blank for Dummies” books ever could.